Non-toxic Hair Detangling Spray


My little girl has a lot of hair and she hates when I brush it.  Apparently, just me though, since others are able to french braid her hair without issues.  I used to make my own using watered down conditioner or buy California baby.  But I was close to running out and didn’t feel like paying a ton of money for either organic conditioner or the commercial spray and did some research and found a few recipes that work.  I tried the easiest one and the one that didn’t require any refrigeration so it is shelf stable.

I added lemon and lavender essential oils to this for fragrance and for their happy and calming properties since she is is spicy thing.  She also has blonde hair and lemon will lighten it up and she smells delish.  Lavender is good for encouraging growth and scalp health.  You can also use chamomile, tea tree, or cedarwood.  But she is a girly little thing and these make us both happy.

Before posting this, I wanted to make sure it worked.  It had to actually detangle her hair, smell good, and not make her look like I just combed oil into her hair.  And it works beautifully!  I was hesitant about the smell of apple cider vinegar because when I initially applied it, she smelled like a salad bar.  But the smell faded quickly and we were left with the lovely lavender and lemon fragrances.  I can’t tell if it helped keep her calm, but because it works so nicely and is chemical free, I felt better.  Also, you all know I am in LOVE with ACV for my hair, so I figured it would be wonderful for hers as well.

Here we go, the ingredients:
4 oz spray bottle
1/2 tsp jojoba oil
Essential Oils – 20 drops total

Directions:  Fill up the spray bottle about a 1/4 of the way and add your oils – 20 drops total.  So for this one, I did 10 drops lemon and 10 drops lavender.  Shake it up.
Add jojoba oil.  Again, shake
Add water.  Shake.
Shake before using.  Spray and brush through hair.  Feel awesome because YOU made this.

To purchase your own fabulous essential oils (lemon and lavender are included in the amazing Premium Starter kit, which is basically like the holy grail of oil collections and great for beginners or people like me who are obsessed and need ALL THE OILS) follow this link!

ACV Rinse | A Goodbye Letter to my Conditioner

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I have super long and super thick hair.  When I read about using ACV as a conditioning treatment, to be honest, I was scared.  I have had to use conditioner since before I can recall.  And not just a little conditioner.  My hair can take down a large bottle in less than a month.  I go through it at about three times the rate of a shampoo bottle. The struggle is real.

So I made sure to give this a good test run and gave myself ample time to take another shower just in case I couldn’t manage to get a brush through my hair and had to hop back in to re-shower and condition.

Surprisingly, I was pleased.  Actually, scratch that, more than pleased, ecstatic!  For the first time in forever, I didn’t use conditioner.  And my hair was shiny, sparkly, and smooth.  Basically I felt like a Disney princess and, if I had any kind of singing voice, would have broken into a love song about this ACV rinse.

So, here we go…the details.
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Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is an essential item for any good natural lifestyle home.  It has a million (*probably) uses, but today, I am just going to chat about using it as a rinse.  ACV works to balance the PH of the scalp and the hair and remove all of the icky chemicals and build-up.  So if you have dandruff or dry scalp, definitely give this a try!  It also smooths the hair cuticles to make it really shine.

The essential oils I am using in this are for both fragrance – because who wants to walk around smelling like a salad bar, not this girl – and for hair health.  I selected lavender, rosemary, and cedarwood.  All three are excellent for promoting hair growth and supporting scalp health.  They work to hydrate and moisturize the scalp and also provide nourishment and nutrients.

I purchase all of my essential oils from Young Living because they work best for our family and their seed to seal promise keeps me happy and worry free.  To start your own amazing collection, check out the starter kit which is a fabulous deal and contains everything you need to crunchify your home.

1 bottle – you can use plastic for ease and safety – make sure it is squeezable.
Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs is awesome)
Lavender Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil
Cedarwood Essential Oil

Fill up bottle 1/4 of the way with ACV and add filtered water.
Add 2-3 drops of each essential oil.
Shampoo as usual.
Add ACV rinse to hair making sure to tilt your head back to avoid getting it into your eyes (it burns.  A lot.  Trust) and work it into your hair.  I usually let it sit in my hair for a while while I finish up – I aim for at least 5 minutes to allow it to soak into my hair.
Rinse with cold water, which will help seal in moisture and add shine.
Dry your hair and be amazed.  I couldn’t stop petting myself.

Interested in getting your hands on some essential oils???  The starter kit is hands down the BEST way to get started!  Here are the step-by-step instructions!

1. Click over to the sign-up page:

2. Select “Sign Up As: Young Living Wholesale Member” (this secures you the 24% off discount on all future orders)

3. The “Enroller ID” and “Sponsor ID” boxes should already be filled in for you. If they aren’t, fill in 1842761 in both spots.

4. Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact info. (The reason you are asked for your SSN is for tax purposes; if you make over $600/year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living never shares this info with anyone, and you’re not obligated to sell anything if you do not want to. I promise I wouldn’t lead you astray here!)

5. Create your password and pin which you will use to log in to your account and order your oils.

6. Select your enrollment order. This is where you can specify which starter kit you would like. I recommend the Premium Kit with the Aroma Diffuser.

7. It will ask if you want to sign up for the Essential Rewards program. I recommend saying no to this for now.

8. Agree to Terms & Conditions

9. CONFIRM YOUR ORDER. Some folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out. To confirm, the tool will log you in and it will show you your order again and it will make you enter in your payment information again.

10. Wait for the mailman to arrive! This step is will be agonizing.

Oh, and

11. Please friend me on Facebook so that I can add you to some fun oily Facebook groups! : )