Favorite Things – Essential Oil and Lemondropper Swag

I love accessories, especially when it comes to essential oils (OMG, so many tiny things and who doesn’t love cute tiny things???) and I am super proud to be a member of the Lemondroppers team for Young Living, the most successful and supportive team in Young Living history.  Seriously, these ladies are amazing and they are a fierce tribe of awesome.  I honestly think that these are all super fun things to give to members of your downline or uplines when they reach different ranks!  Or just for yourself, because, darn it, you deserve pretty things.

Here are some recent favorite things I have received!

Essential Oil Travel Bag
I realized how necessary this was when I went on two trips in the past month and put my oils into my super fancy purse and prayed that they didn’t break and leak all over said super fancy purse.  One of my team members recommended these and ohmygoshyouguys.  They are the cutest ever!!

Follow them on instagram for cute new pattern announcements and buy from their store right here!

Alex and Ani Bracelet
A super amazing and sweet member of my downline sent this to me as a surprise and I cried so many happy tears.  I love it.  I put it on this morning in all of my pj and unwashed hair glory and instantly felt awesome.  So thank you to Jen for this little circle of happy.

It is called Zest for Life and 20% of the purchase price is donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand.  The accompanying text states:

Tart and vibrant, the lemon has ancient roots and possesses a distinct flavor with a bold, cheerful color.  Its fresh citrus scent is associated with cleansing, symbolic of an opportunity to make a change.  This charm is a reminder that when life hands you lemons, you have the power to take positive action, sweeten the situation, and make lemonade.  The power to create a desirable outcome is always within reach.

I love this and it rings true for our team so much!

Lemondropper Coffee Mug
In love with this one.  I bought this for myself because, coffee is essential and having awesome mugs to drink it out of just makes it taste that much better!  You can buy this through the lemondropper swag shop along with tons of other goodies.  I bought a cute little tank top too, but see the Alex and Ani post above for reasons you aren’t seeing me wearing that (quick refresher: unwashed hair).

So that is it!  I will do a few of these, but I thought these were all super cute and made me happy and I just needed to share and go buy yourself some cute stuff now.