DIY Fall and Winter Mobile

It is getting nice and chilly here in Connecticut, so I get all nesty and need to do some homey things.  Crafting makes me crazy, so I always try to do something relatively uncomplicated and quick.  My little lady is home with me most days, so I also need something to keep her busy!  This incorporates scavenging for items outside and some fine motor skills like cutting, wrapping, etc…

Ok, so here we go.  Step one:  get yourself a toddler.  Laugh as she attempts to pluck pinecones.  Then do it yourself and discover, it really is hard.  Those suckers are sticky too.

e walked around my backyard and found a stick and some acorns and pinecones along with some pretty grasses.  Then we came inside and got to crafting.  I honestly just tied some jute and wound it around things while Carys played with the acorns and helped me cut the strings.  A bug popped out of a pinecone, so FYI on that situation.  Also, I don’t like to decorate with acorns because one year I tried and there was a maggot situation.  So I just use the tops.  I am sure there is some sort of Martha Stewart solution to this problem, but I am a bit scarred.  So no acorns, just tops.

Then I hung it up and admired my awesome pinterest craftiness.


And because I need to have everything smell yummy, I added some cinnamon bark essential oil to the pinecones and the jute.  Because yum and fall and stuff.  I will probably refresh this every few days or so!  Some others you could add:  nutmeg, pine, balsam fir, or Christmas Spirit.  Or even Black Spruce.  Go crazy!

I love decor that is multi-seasonal, so I will probably keep one up all winter!  Super easy!

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