BooBoo Be Gone!

A Guest Post from Melissa…


I so look forward to summer. I can’t wait for lazy days, trips to the beach, bike rides and late nights roasting marshmallows. My family and I love being outdoors, but with that comes something I dread, my littles getting skinned knees, cuts, scrapes,and bruises. Sometimes those come with rights of passage, like learning how to ride a bike, but many times it’s just because they were running and they tripped over their own feet! Those are the times as a mom that I could just put them in a bubble.

I try to be brave for them and tell them it’s going to be ok, while I’m cleaning it out, putting some salve on it, bandaging it then giving them boo boo kisses, but many times I’m holding back the tears too. Sometimes, applying the salve causes even more tears! “It stings mommy, blow on it!” is what I’ve heard using some of the OTC stuff I’ve bought. So when I found a recipe to make my own healing salve I jumped at the opportunity. My littles LOVE oils, like their momma and it’s one more thing that I can make with all the best ingredients and I can ditch the OTC stuff. You can even let them apply it, unlike its store counterpart, and sometimes that can help turn the tears into smiles.

Cheers to a great summer with less tears and better healing booboos!


1/4 cup of coconut oil
1/4 cup of olive oil
1 tbsp beeswax
Put in a measuring cup and place in a pan of boiling water. Stir until melted. Let it sit for 2 minutes and add oils.
20 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
12 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil
10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
8 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
Mix well and pour into a sterilized 4oz. jar!


*A note about oils. Buying quality oils MATTERS people. If you are going the non-toxic, chemical-free route, make sure that you are using oils that are of the best purity. We use Young Living and wouldn’t do any other brand because they have a wonderful Seed To Seal promise. Read more about it here:

Additionally, we send over a fabulous ehandbook from The Happy Oils to help you on your journey and have a huge support team available to assist you in your journey and answer questions!

The best news of all is that ALL 4 of these oils are included in the Premium Starter Kit!!!  Super fun!

If you want to order your VERY own amazing kit that includes 11 of their most well-loved and most frequently used oils and a diffuser, here is how to do it:

Click over to the sign-up page: and grab a Premium starter kit for yourself!

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