Erin’s Sleepytime Routine

A Guest Post from Erin…

One size does not always fit all.

My son has never been an excellent sleeper. We have had our share of ups and downs and tried pretty much anything that I found on Google as a trick to get him to sleep (within reason of course). I saw a friend post about how oils had helped her and her daughter sleep and started doing my own research. I looked on Pinterest and at the company websites and reviews for pretty much all of the oil companies and decided on Young Living. The purity of their oils and the Seed to Seal process really made me comfortable knowing that I was using such great quality oils from a company who would never compromise quality.

My original order was the Premium Starter Kit along with Cedarwood, Valor, and Peace and Calming. The minute my order arrived I made the Sleepy time cream, roller bottle, and pillow spray. The first night using a blend of Lavender, Peace and Calming, Valor, and Cedarwood (recipes are posted in an earlier post) my son slept through the night! He slept soundly for about a month and then he got sick. The minute he got sick the oils did not seem to be as effective for sleep as they were. He was still going to bed easier, not having nightmares and sleeping more soundly but he was waking up in the middle of the night and would only go back to sleep if he was in our bed. I kept up with the routine diligently even though he was not sleeping thinking that maybe he would go back to his wonderful new sleep habits once he felt better. One night my husband suggested not using the oils to see how effective they really were. That night it took him over two hours to go to sleep and he woke up about 3 times and had a bad dream; the hubs now knows how well they work because that one night was enough for him to tell me to use my oils the next night!

I spoke with some of the other ladies in my oily group who suggested trying 1 oil at a time to see what worked for him since everyone responds differently to each oil and because you bodies needs can change over time and you may need to change up what you are using. I started with Cedarwood for a couple of nights and he was still waking up. I read though my Essential Oils desk reference and Gentle Babies book and decided to add in Gentle baby and Vetiver to our nighttime routine and he has slept soundly and through the night ever since!

My sleepy time routine is:
1 drop Cedarwood
1 drop gentle babies
2 drops carrier oil
I drop them in my hand, mix them around and rub on both feet.

In the diffuser I do 3 drops cedarwood and 2 drops Vetiver and run it on the 30 second intermittent setting in his room.

He is generally out without 15 minutes and wakes up happy and rested about 10-11 hours later ☺

What I have learned is that what works for one person may not work for another, don’t get discouraged. If something works and then all of a sudden stops working, don’t worry, it may be your body telling you that it needs something different. Oils have never let me down and I have always found something that has worked for my family needs. I truly believe it when someone tells me “don’t worry, there is an oil for that” because for my family 100% of the time there is!

So, to get started on your oily journey, I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit which comes with 11 of the most versatile and used oils and make sure you add on Cedarwood and Vetiver!

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